
We know it’s a big decision to own your own employment and we want to make it easy.
Please see below some guides and graphics that we have put together to help explain the process at Opolis.

Entity Creation

This might be the first time you’re setting up a business or maybe you’ve had an LLC for a while. Regardless, we want to make it easy for you. 

See resources below on owning your own employment:


One of the most frequent questions we get is around the need for payroll in our process.

We have several resources below that explain the process of entity → payroll → benefits


Because of the power of the co-op, we’re able to offer premium and affordable benefits (including healthcare, savings, life and disability insurance).

WORK Rewards

A benefit of participating in a co-op is value sharing. When you run payroll or refer a friend to Opolis, you earn WORK rewards.

Learn more about WORK rewards below:


A major benefit of Opolis Membership is the simplification of your tax process.

Learn more about taxes below: