WORK Support

Many of the common questions you may have about $WORK Rewards are answered here. If the question you have isn’t located here, please reach out at [email protected] or contact us via Discord by creating a support ticket. 

Technically speaking, what are $WORK Rewards?

$WORK Rewards are an Ethereum Mainnet ERC20 token bridged to the Polygon Network. To use your $WORK Rewards within the Employment Commons, you need to be connected to the Polygon network via your default Magic wallet in the Member Dashboard or via Metamask after using the Change Wallet feature. 

You will receive all of your $WORK Rewards from the Commons on the Polygon Network. This is to reduce the amount of gas used to transfer tokens and to provide a simpler user experience for those new to blockchain technology. 

See below for frequently asked questions about $WORK Rewards, wallets, and networks.

What are the token contract addresses for $WORK Rewards?

The token contract addresses for $WORK Rewards:

How do I see my $WORK Rewards balance(s)?

When you’re logged into the Member Dashboard, head to the Rewards & Governance section. There you will see your current $WORK balance, how many $WORK you have staked (if any), as well as a breakdown of the source of your $WORK Rewards.

Where do I claim my $WORK Rewards?

In order to claim your $WORK rewards, navigate to the tab that says Claim $WORK Rewards. You should also see a banner in your member dashboard whenever you have $WORK to claim. Once you’ve navigated to the claims tab, you can click the “Claim” button and claim the number of $WORK Rewards due to you for staking, referrals, and payroll mining. If you use a Magic Wallet, we’ll take care of the gas for this transaction. If you have a MetaMask wallet, you’ll need to pay for the gas to claim your $WORK. 

How do I stake my $WORK Rewards?

Just above your $WORK Rewards balance in the Member Dashboard is an option to “Stake”. Enter the amount of $WORK you wish to stake (must be at least ONE (1) whole $WORK token) and click the “Stake” button.

If you are using the default Magic wallet that was assigned to you when you joined, the Dashboard will submit the Stake transaction for you without requiring you to “sign” a transaction or take any other step. 

If you are using a Custom wallet (Metamask), your wallet will prompt you to sign and submit the Stake transaction (it may also require a token approval transaction as well).

Once the Stake transaction has completed, you’ll see both your Staked and (if applicable) Unstaked balances update in the Dashboard.

The staking contract address is 0x8bF5aD0dBa1e29741740D96E55Bf27Aec30B18E2

How do I unstake my $WORK Rewards?

First, check how many $WORK Rewards you have staked by referencing your Staked Balance. Then, enter the amount of $WORK you wish to unstake.

If you are using the default Magic wallet assigned to you when joining the Commons, the Dashboard will submit the Unstake transaction for you without any need for user interaction. The staking contract requires either that you 1) unstake all of your $WORK or 2) leave at least 1 whole $WORK token staked. 

If you are using a Metamask wallet, your wallet will prompt you to sign and submit the Unstake transaction.

Once the Unstake transaction has completed, you’ll see both your Staked and Unstaked balances update in the Member Dashboard.

I got an 'Out of Gas' error. What do I do?

Sometimes your Magic wallet might not have enough gas (i.e. Matic tokens) in it to pay for a transaction like staking, unstaking, or claiming $WORK. This is especially true when the Polygon network is busy and gas prices are high. If you do not have enough gas to complete a transaction, we’ll send you a small top-up amount automatically. We would suggest waiting a minute or two and then trying the transaction again. If you keep experiencing issues, please reach out to [email protected] 

How do I change the wallet I use for $WORK Rewards?

Within the Rewards & Governance section of the Member Dashboard, navigate to the Change $WORK Wallet tab on the top. Here you’ll have two options: stick with the default Magic wallet or change to a MetaMask Wallet.

Default Wallet (Magic Labs)

Using the default Magic wallet will allow the Dashboard to take care of everything for you via a process called “meta-transactions”, which means the Commons pays all transaction fees (aka ‘gas’) for you. This allows users to stake and unstake $WORK without having to worry about any cost to you. If you don’t know what any of this means or you’re new to the whole Web3 thing, then sticking with the default wallet is the definitely choice for you!

Custom Wallet

Selecting Custom Wallet will allow you to use your own existing personal wallet. MetaMask and Ethereum hardware wallets that connect via Metamask (i.e. Ledger or Trezor) will work.

First, you will need to ensure that all of your $WORK Rewards are unstaked. Next, connect your wallet to the Member Dashboard, and click Change $WORK Wallet. The new wallet will be registered to your membership instantly. Your $WORK Rewards will be automatically sent to your new address as part of updating your wallet. 

You will need to “add” $WORK as a custom token in your Metamask Polygon wallet to be able to see your $WORK Rewards balance in your Metamask wallet UI. 

To add the $WORK token to MetaMask (once you confirm you’re on the Polygon network!) scroll to the bottom of Assets and click “Add Token”. Then, under “Custom Token”, enter the Polygon contract address of the $WORK token: 

Polygon Contract Address: 0x6002410dDA2Fb88b4D0dc3c1D562F7761191eA80

How do I move my $WORK Rewards to a different wallet? In other words, how do I withdraw my $WORK Rewards from the Default wallet?

Changing your wallet to Metamask from the default Magic wallet (see “How do I change the wallet I use for $WORK?”) will transfer the $WORK Rewards automatically to your chosen Metamask wallet.

I’ve tried to change my wallet to Metamask from the default Magic wallet and I get an error. What is wrong? 

A wallet connection error is usually due to a few issues. Try the following before reaching out to [email protected]

  1. Please make sure to use the “Magic Link” to login to the Member Dashboard. Using the password login method will preclude you from changing your wallet. 
  2. Ensure that you are not using “Incognito” mode in your browser. 
  3. Disable any “ad blockers” in your browser and restart your browser.
  4. Try a different browser. Metamask performs best using Chrome and Firefox.  

Which network are my $WORK Rewards on?

$WORK Rewards are an Ethereum Mainnet ERC20 token bridged to the Polygon network

If you are using a Metamask wallet (see the change wallet section above), you will need to add the Polygon network to your wallet networks in order to see and use your $WORK Rewards balance; you can find instructions to add Polygon to MetaMask here

You will also need $MATIC to pay for transactions (just like you need ETH to pay for transactions on Mainnet Ethereum). If you choose to use the default Magic wallet, the Commons will cover your transaction fees.

The token contract address for $WORK Rewards on Polygon is: 


How can I use my $WORK Rewards on Mainnet?

While all of the core functionality associated with your $WORK Rewards & the Employment Commons is on the Polygon Network, you can bridge your $WORK Rewards to Mainnet if you’d like. To do so, you’ll need to bridge the tokens over to Mainnet using the PoS Bridge.

The token contract address for $WORK Rewards on Mainnet is: 


Note: bridging to Mainnet Ethereum is not possible with the default Magic wallet. You will need to use a Metamask wallet to bridge your tokens to Mainnet.

How do I use my vesting $WORK Rewards?

If you received $WORK Rewards as part of the Trustee Genesis Distribution, then 80% of your allocation will vest over the course of four years. Instead of a traditional vesting cliff, your $WORK Rewards will vest continuously in real time. This is uniquely possible with smart contracts, and is accomplished via token streaming technology developed by Superfluid Finance.

To use your streaming $WORK Rewards as they vest, you will need to withdraw (or “unwrap”) them from the streaming mechanism. If you have streaming rewards, you’ll see an additional card appear below the staking/unstaking card on your Rewards and Governance dashboard where you’ll have the option to unwrap work. If you use a default Magic wallet, we’ll pay for this transaction for you. MetaMask users will need to pay for their own gas for this transaction. Once unwrapped, you can use your $WORK Rewards for staking, bridging to Mainnet Ethereum or whatever else you’d like.

Note that this process ONLY applies to those receiving streamed vesting $WORK. All other $WORK are not wrapped in Superfluid tokens and can be used/bridged without any additional steps.

What else can I do with my $WORK Rewards?

If you’re an Employee Member, you’ll soon be able to use your $WORK to boost your voting power on the Employee Commons governance proposals. Employee member voting kicks in at 1,000 Employee Members.

Additionally, your $WORK Rewards are a unit of accounting for any potential distribution of Commons’ profits if/when the time comes that profits are distributed.