Episode 8: Vignesh Sundaresan on DeFi & Changing Crypto Payments

On Opolis Public Radio (OPR), we dig into how changes in the world are changing people’s lives with a focus on freelancing, finances and the future of work. 

With Opolis, freelancers and gig workers everywhere have access to the same health benefits, life and disability insurance, and other services that only corporate employees have had access to traditionally.

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Speaker: In this episode of OPR, Opolis Founder & Executive Steward John Paller chats with Vignesh Sundaresan, Founder & Lead Architect of Lendroid. Vignesh is a serial entrepreneur, social entrepreneur, software architect, and YCombinator alumni. He is a professional programmer with expertise in open protocols, back-end programming, software product management, marketing performance mechanisms, knowledge organization, and data-mining. Vignesh has an undergraduate’s degree in mechanical engineering, and he has a Masters in Technology Innovation Management from Carleton University, Ottawa.

 Follow John Paller on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PallerJohn

Follow Vignesh Sundaresan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vigsun

Abstract: On this episode of Opolis Public Radio (OPR), we dig into how freelancers are paid, decentralized finance and crowd-based lending.

 This talk was recorded on August 19th, 2020.

About Lendroid: Lendroid is a crypto-economic foundation registered in Singapore. They are a team of coders, designers and doers crafting financial protocols that are exclusive to the blockchain. They started with reimagining the flow of risk and value in lending. 

About Opolis: Opolis is the next generation employment ecosystem for the self-sovereign worker. With Opolis, freelancers and gig workers everywhere have access to the same health benefits, life and disability insurance, and other services that only corporate employees have had access to traditionally. Learn more at https://opolis.co/.

Payroll and benefits for independent workers

Health Insurance, Retirement, Payroll and more for independent workers and freelancers.